
CheckRed and Partner Integrations

A powerful combination for secure SaaS and cloud environments

Bring together security posture and collaboration through seamless integration so Security and DevOps teams can focus on performance.

Working together to
deliver more

CheckRed integrates with the collaboration tools that enterprises use the most, providing greater visibility into their security posture. Our platform delivers tickets or messages via existing tools, ensuring greater and uninterrupted information sharing. Empower security teams to protect their SaaS and cloud environments.


CheckRed’s spotlight partner integrations


Integrating with Slack allows for easy distribution of security issues to the platform that teams already use and rely on. This enables collaboration and the ability to filter alerts to specific channels, ensuring that only the team members responsible for addressing the issue are notified. Customizable alerts can be tailored to send to the appropriate teams, reducing alert fatigue. They provide detailed information and context to help teams efficiently collaborate and resolve issues directly from the messaging platform they are already familiar with.


CheckRed seamlessly integrates with Jira, allowing for easy tracking and management of security alerts. With CheckRed, alerts can be customized to address the issue based on their severity and the environment they were discovered in. The platform provides tickets with detailed information and context to streamline resolution, so the team can focus on resolving issues rather than coordinating and reassigning them.

Amazon SNS
Amazon SNS

Amazon’s Simple Notification Service, or SNS, is a cloud-based tool that is generally used for real-time messages (via SMS, push notifications, and email). CheckRed can be integrated with SNS to deliver security alerts in the form of these real-time notifications. Organizations can benefit from the messaging features of filters, duplicate elimination, and archives to ensure better communication. It is especially advantageous for those organizations with global teams.


By connecting CheckRed with PagerDuty, teams can quickly and seamlessly mobilize the right people to resolve critical incidents and ensure product delivery timeframes are on track. The integration also allows teams to create alerts of different severity based on inputs from CheckRed, which helps protect sensitive data and critical applications. Additionally, PagerDuty alerts are automatically confirmed by CheckRed, which means teams can stay within the risk and compliance parameters prescribed by industry standards.


Splunk seamlessly integrates with CheckRed's advanced security alerts and insights with the power of Splunk's real-time analytics engine. With this technology add-on, teams can prioritize and address critical vulnerabilities across their cloud and SaaS environments and make data-driven decisions. The add-on imports CheckRed’s alerts for vulnerabilities, misconfigurations, lateral movement risk, authentication risk, and high-risk data, which gives a comprehensive view of the existing cloud and SaaS security posture.

Meet your

Strengthen your SaaS and cloud environment with insightful alerts